May 10, 2024

Supporting the Galapagos Conservation Trust

Sustainability is at the heart of our designs, and we are committed to protecting the environment and reducing our carbon footprint. So, when our Associate Dean Hunt's son Joseph (studying Zoology at Queen Mary University in London) asked us to help him fundraise for the Galapagos Conservation Trust, we were only too happy to support his efforts.

The Galapagos Archipelago consists of 13 major islands and numerous smaller islands, islets, and rocks. Only four of the islands—Floreana, Isabela, San Cristobal, and Santa Cruz—are inhabited by humans.

It is one of the most extraordinary places on earth but is also particularly vulnerable. Plastic is arriving on ocean currents, littering its beaches. Invasive species are devastating birds, plants, and the famous giant tortoises, and overfishing is taking a heavy toll on marine life.

Did you know?

- The islands comprise just 5.3% of the earth's land area but are home to an incredible 20% of the world's biodiversity, with high endemism (species not found elsewhere).

- 75% of all recorded extinctions occur on the islands.

- The leading cause of extinctions on the islands is invasive species, implicated in c.86% of all the extinctions that have been recorded.

Arguably, the most celebrated visitor to the Galapagos was undoubtedly the young Charles Darwin in 1835 on board HMS Beagle, commanded by Captain Robert FitzRoy. The ship was homeward bound after spending 3 years charting the coasts of South America from the Rio de la Plata round to Chiloe in southern Chile. In the opening sentence of Darwin's On the Origin of Species, he affirms that his observations on board HMS Beagle had played a vital part in developing his theories.

The Galapagos Conservation Trust is dedicated to the conservation of the islands. For over 25 years, they have been working tirelessly to protect biodiversity, restore habitats and safeguard endangered species from extinction by raising funds and awareness and delivering impactful conservation projects.

Read more about the great work that they do and how you can support them.

Photographer: Ben Howitt